Ora The Molecule's 'Samurai' is a refreshing and original track, which through it’s perfectly-timed construction of Balearic beats and Anglo-Norwegian vocals, conveys the constant passing of time and how that undeniable fact connects all of us. ‘Samurai’ is addictive and intriguing; tempting the listener to lean in further to the pan-European club rhythms and spectral melodies. The inspiration behind ‘Samurai’ might also come as a surprise to you, as vocalist Nora explains: The lyrics to ‘Samurai’ came as a spark from something I read in the NY times. It was an article showcasing drawings made from a woman imprisoned in Syria. She had portrayed her roommates in the prison, describing their characters and how the prison environment had affected their psyche over time. It made her think of the limited time we have in a life and how devastating it must be if it feels like your time has been taken away”. This isn’t the first time we’ve featured a song inspired by recent conflicts, let’s think back to Nick Mulvey’s ‘Myela’, and as with ‘Samurai’, there’s the almost oxymoronic contrast between tragic events and bouncing, danceable beats. Perhaps in a world where we are constantly confronted by images of desperate situations, unfeasible acts, and a sense of hopelessness, these musicians provide a way to process this information and by extension these stories will play on our mind, making us more aware of a world beyond our immediate vision, and perhaps that will spark a change, somewhere, in someone. - Hannah Thacker
